

About Paz Molina, Paintings by Paz Molina


Hi, I’m Paz. 

Words that describe me, are joyful, enthusiastic and connected. These are the same words that I strive to find as a painter. The painting process for me is a personal and a profound time for connection with the present moment. In that space, I connect with that happy place where color, shape and infinite possibilities become manifest. 

I paint with playful energy, inspired by child-like explorations and relentless curiosity. As I paint, I search for that intimate space, where paint, color and shape take the lead, as I surrender the brushes to my inner-self and I let intuition take over. I love creating vibrant art, lively, colorful and abundant. Art that has come as a result of hours of playing with color, working with layers and analyzing composition. My hope is to bring organic, fluid and luminous paintings to my viewers. Paintings that will act as a beam of joy, beauty and positive energy. 

With love,
